The Northside Summer Internship Program, anchored by the University of Minnesota's commitment to community engagement and technological advancement, harnesses the collaborative strengths of several key university groups to empower the youth of North Minneapolis. 

Urban Research and Outreach-Engagement Center (UROC): Located in the heart of North Minneapolis, UROC links the University of Minnesota with urban communities to address critical societal issues through research, education, and partnerships. UROC plays a pivotal role in directly engaging with the community, ensuring our programs are responsive to its needs and opportunities.

Institutional Cyberinfrastructure Group (ICIG): ICIG strengthens the University's technology resources across campuses. It supports our internship program by providing the infrastructure necessary for advanced research and educational activities, ensuring that participants have access to top-tier technological tools and environments.

Office of Information Technology (OIT): OIT ensures that both our program staff and participants have seamless access to the necessary technological platforms. From software to support services, OIT is crucial in maintaining the digital backbone of our internship activities.

Data Science Initiative (DSI): Committed to advancing data-driven knowledge, DSI brings cutting-edge data science techniques and training to our interns. This initiative enables students to engage with big data analytics, fostering skills that are crucial for navigating today's tech-centric world

Research Cyberinfrastructure Champions (RCC): RCC integrates research and technology by connecting scholars, educators, and students with the university’s rich technological resources. By participating in the RCC network, our program benefits from the latest innovations and collaborative opportunities in cyberinfrastructure.

Our Mission

The Northside Summer Internship Program is committed to creating transformative opportunities for North Minneapolis youth through a unique coalition that extends beyond the University of Minnesota. In partnership with UROC, ICIG, DSI, OIT, and RCC, our program integrates the vast resources of the university with invaluable input and collaboration from community organizations and local community members. This holistic approach ensures that our interns receive not only unparalleled technical and leadership training but also engage deeply with the community, fostering a robust network of support and opportunity. Through these partnerships, we empower our students to develop the skills, confidence, and vision necessary to lead and innovate in their communities and beyond.